My mantra for the past weeks have been "pace yourself, carolyn!". It has worked in most instances and I am giving myself more space than before. I am also more "tolerant" to myself, allowing myself to make mistakes and get angry. (Well, I used to and still get angry with myself for getting angry but it's getting better. Sick, I know but that's me.)
Settling down has done all of us good. This settling down feeling is kind of nice, I can put down the new address at the video-rental place, at amazon etc. Max gets the space he needs to play and move about. Vincent has a "home" to come to at the end of a long working day and I get the "base" to start planning out my new life. As we all know by now, is all that I contemplate about in my free time. I think I have it now. As usual, it is not the easiest path but I think it will be worth it in a long term. There is no saying how it will work out but you know this feeling that things are right because so many pieces of the puzzle fall into the right place. Well, this is kind of it. I would like to teach chinese/mandarin to children as a private teacher. In a way, it sounds so obvious, isn't it. I mean it really ticks many boxes for me. The only catch is that I do have to catch up with my own chinese language skill.
1. I get to brush up my chinese
2. As I learn the "correct" technique to teaching chinese, Max will benefit from it too.
3. I love little people; I imagine little French people speaking chinese, how cute is that??
4. This is a great way to stay in touch with my "chinese-ness"
5. The hours are more or less flexible
6. There is definitely a market in Geneva for it
7. It will tickle my language-brain even more, which I like
8. This would not clash with my principle of "making more money for the people who has alot of money"
I know it is kind of "right" because I "happen" to find a school in Geneva, non-profit, that caters to the need of oversea chineses like me. They even offer courses that trains Chinese teachers. I can even reach this school easily with a bus that's a five minute walk for our apartment. As I am writing this, I can increasingly uneasy because I am afraid that I might change my mind in a few weeks when I realize how tough it might be to learn the language. I guess this is the reason why I am afraid of making commitments, to myself and to others. I don't want to become one of those people who attempts to make their life work and fails miserably (in front of alot of people). On the other hand, perhaps putting this out there is a good way for me to be accountable.