A beautiful quote from a book that I have recently read:
"How to measure a life's worth? The important thing is not the fact of dying, it's what you are doing at the moment of yor death."
Then a day later, on CNN, a story about a journalist. It's not so much that she was brave, filmed untold stories and did all sorts of crazy things in her life that made her story remarkable. In the face of death, she said that if she hadn't gone out and did all the things that she had done in her life, she would probably be panicking, running out sky-diving and travelling around the world. She explained as cool as a cucumber that it does not matter if she dies, two weeks or twenty years from now. In another word, she's just ready to go.
I have been feeling really frustrated because I do not know yet what I want to do with my life. It's like when I did not know what I want to become when I was growing up, I still don't really know. As I am writing this down and reading it back to myself. A few thoughts bubble from within. First of all, I am probably already doing something with my life. A stay-home mum is really a job on it's own. The responsibilites and commitment that came with it is pretty overwhelming and unexpectedly bigger than I thought. Perhaps, I just need some time to grow into the "job". Secondly, I guess I was just afraid. Afraid that if I do not know what I want to do, I might end up doing things that I don't want to. From experience, that's my life. I drift along and just end up doing what's conveniently lying in my path. I don't want to lose my future because I forget the present.
So, I have decided (together with my wonderful husband) that I will just have to pace myself. That's right, not dashing or sprinting but to run a marathon.Take time to figure out what I want and perhaps try out a few things the coming time. In a way, this is a luxury that I have at the moment. By the time, Max's ready to go to school, I should by ready to launch into something for myself. I am not exactly looking to build a career but I hope to be involved in some work that does more than just making money (not for myself and definitely not for others). This is something new that dawn on me since we have moved here. I will tell more about it in the next entry. I hope that by pacing myself and giving myself some time, I will find peace with my current situation, to enjoy time at home. At the risk of sounding like a drama queen, at the moment of my death (I romantically imagine that I would be dying lying on a chaise couch) I hope that I am not panicking, wishing I had done more with my life and most importantly I want to be proud of my life.
Big stone house
13 years ago