Monday, 2 November 2009

where did the time go

for today anyway?

I had a little "accident" last weekend and my backache is acting up again. So the whole weekend, I was not particularly looking forward to today. However, the little one did not put up with any protest when he was put to bed (thrice). When he demanded to be carried, I just hugged and kissed him instead. He actually seemed to love it because a couple of times he crawled up to me and delivered his kisses. His version of kissing involves covering my entire nose with saliva and sometimes with a little bite as well. So it turned out to be a really nice day.

I really wonder where did the time go when he finally went to bed an hour ago. I think the prep-work last night helped alot. I was reminded once again to be mindful. According to the teaching of buddha, this is it:

1. Mindfulness is present-time awareness. It takes place in the here and now.

2. Mindfulness is nonjudgmental observation. It is that ability of the mind to observe without criticism. With this ability, one sees things without condemnation or judgment.

This is how I would explain's like yo, when you wash your hands, don't wonder how they got so dirty in the first place and don't think about the lunch that you are going to have in an hour. Just be in front of the sink and wash your hands. So when I sit with Max on the floor to play and when I smile or look at him, I don't think about the hundreds of other household chores that I should be doing. I just want to be with him.

By being aware and being present with whatever I am doing, really saves me alot of mind-energy. I really loving the analogy that I read in a book that says...

Imagine that you are holding a bowl which is completely full with water. If you walk along with concentrated attention, very little water is spilled. But if you walk along with jerky, uncontrolled movements, a lot of water will be lost.

It has been too long since I rolled out my yoga mat but I am still a yogini practising in the little ways that I can. It is easier said than done but this will be my mantra for the coming time until it becomes easier for me.

PS: After the last entry, I was quite nervous about the feedbacks that I might get. Thankfully, I have received many encouraging words. People, thanks for being so non-judgemental!

PPS: Max also gets the credit for being a real good baby today.

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